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About Shaheen Home Care

Gul Nabi Qureshi

Shaheen Home Care

Since 1995 Shaheen Home Care Waterproofing Company of Islamabad Rawalpindi has been committed to providing high results oriented services.

We are a small commercial and industrial waterproofing contractor specializing in all types of waterproofing, heatproofing , leakage, seepage, sealing, and termite pest control, carpet sofa cleaning and water tank cleaniing Services. We employ 20 – 30 field workers with a staff of experienced management.

Our Goal

“Bring to each customer’s unique situation the most cost effective, long term solution”

One Time Completion

“We will work with you to meet deadlines and coordinate with other related projects. We will maintain open communication with you to keep you up to date on the status of your job. We do this to guarantee that the project is completed according to your preferences”

Great Services

” We combine our industry knowledge, the highest quality building supplies and equipment, and our dedication to delivering exceptional service to our clients. We will stay in touch, keeping you up to date on both the paperwork and renovation process”

We Provide Complete Solution For Your Home Care

25 Years Trusted Waterproofing Service Provider

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